
Warren County Launches the Peoples Academy to Educate and Empower Residents

Learn how local government operates and understand how decisions impact your community.



Warren County has unveiled an exciting new initiative to help residents understand and engage with local government: The Peoples Academy.

The Peoples Academy is a new and exciting citizen education program designed to provide residents and business owners in Warren County with an in-depth understanding of how local government works and how they can get involved in their community.

The free, 8-week academy offers a series of interactive sessions, guided tours, and discussions that will cover a wide range of topics, including local government structure, public safety, recreation, economic development, and much more. You’ll have the chance to meet local officials, ask questions, and gain a deeper understanding of the important decisions being made in your own backyard.

Why Join Peoples Academy?

* Gain Valuable Knowledge: Learn how local government operates and understand how decisions impact your community.
* Get Involved: Become a more informed and active participant in shaping the future of Warren County.
* Build Connections: Network with fellow citizens and public officials who share a passion for positive change.
* Hands-On Experience: Attend behind-the-scenes tours and see the systems in action.

How It Works: The Peoples Academy is a free program, open to all who live or work in Warren County. Upon completion, graduates will receive a certificate and be encouraged to stay involved through various volunteer opportunities and leadership roles within the community.

Sign up now for the upcoming session and become a part of Warren County’s first-ever Peoples Academy!

Register here for Peoples Academy.

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