
MEDIA SPOTLIGHT: Mariam Boyd School Counselor, Melvetta Taylor Featured On Spectrum News One



During National School Counselor Week (Feb. 7-11), Melvetta Taylor who works at Mariam Boyd Elementary appeared on Spectrum News One. In her interview, Taylor, with 35 years of experience as a counselor, discussed how she’s dedicated to assisting students.

They’re dealing with a lot of loss. They’re dealing with a lot of uncertainty. They’re dealing with having to keep it pushing, you know, when it’s real hard. Their parents aren’t working. They’ve lost jobs. I’ve got several students that have lost parents in the pandemic. And they come to school every day and I know it’s hard.

Watch her feature here to learn more about Taylor’s role as a school counselor and how she’s making students’ mental health during the pandemic a top priority.

Source: Spectrum

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