
Worth Awarded Prestigious Order of the Long Leaf Pine



The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, one of the most prestigious awards conferred by the Governor of North Carolina, was presented on December 1, 2021, to Linda T. Worth, of Warren County, in recognition of her exemplary service and exceptional accomplishments to the state and region during her career in public service that spanned 36 years. Established in 1963, the Order of the Long Leaf Pine is an honor granted by the State of North Carolina to individuals who have shown extraordinary service to the state. It is the highest award for state service granted by the Office of the Governor.

As an Order of the Long Leaf Pine honoree, Worth is now included on a roster maintained by the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Society, joining notable North Carolina recipients such as Maya Angelou, Dale Earnhardt, Billy Graham, Andy Griffith, Michael Jordan, Coretta Scott King, Richard Petty, Bob Timberlake, Dean Smith, Charles Kuralt, and others demonstrating proven records of service to the State of North Carolina.


NC OAH Senior ALJ Fred G. Morrison, Jr., Linda T. Worth, and NC Representative Terry Garrison (D-District 32)

Worth’s career in public service began in 1985 when she was appointed Clerk to the Board by the Warren County Board of Commissioners, a position she held for eight years. In 1993, Worth joined the staff of US Congresswoman Eva M. Clayton (Retired) (D-NC District 1) as a Congressional Aid, serving citizens in several eastern North Carolina counties. Worth held that position until returning to Warren County government in 2000, upon being appointed County Tax Assessor. She served as Tax Assessor until being promoted to the Warren County Manager position in 2005. Worth held the County Manager position until leaving local government in January 2017. In May 2017, Worth joined the staff of the NC Office of Administrative Hearings (NC OAH) as Agency Deputy Director, a position she held for four and a half years until retiring from state service effective October 1, 2021.

The Order of the Long Leaf Pine was presented to Worth during a special Ceremony held at the NC OAH Office in Raleigh, NC. Several members of Worth’s family attended the presentation ceremony. NC OAH Chief Judge/Agency Director Donald van der Vaart introduced NC Representative Terry Garrison (D-District 32), and NC OAH Administrative Law Judge Karlene Turrentine, who both made remarks about Worth’s extensive public service contributions to the state and region. NC OAH Senior Administrative Law Judge Fred G. Morrison, Jr. gave a brief history of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine, after which he presented the award to Worth. Worth expressed her delight at receiving such a prestigious award and for being blessed to do for so many years what she described as “a labor of love” in the service of others.

📷 cover photo Tonya Williams
in post: Linda T. Worth

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