oral history Archives - The Warrenist https://warrenist.com/calendar/tag/oral-history/ Tue, 22 Mar 2022 15:38:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://warrenist.com/calendar/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Warren-County-North-Carolina-Community-Events-Calendar-Warrenton-NC-Norlina-Macon-Littleton-Lake-Gaston-Soul-City-lifestyle-blog-100x100.png oral history Archives - The Warrenist https://warrenist.com/calendar/tag/oral-history/ 32 32 “Documenting Our Stories” Oral History Workshop https://warrenist.com/calendar/events/documenting-our-stories-oral-history-workshop-april-22-2022/ Tue, 22 Mar 2022 15:38:21 +0000 https://warrenist.com/calendar/?post_type=mec-events&p=2094 documenting oral histories pcb environmental justice The Warren County Environmental Action Team, The Warren County Community Center and UNC’s Southern Oral History Program invite you to “Documenting Our Stories,” an introduction to oral history workshop.

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The Warren County Environmental Action Team, The Warren County Community Center and UNC’s Southern Oral History Program cordially invite you to “Documenting Our Stories,” an introduction to oral history workshop. This workshop is part of broader programming leading up to September 2022’s 40th Anniversary Commemoration: Birth of the Environmental Justice Movement.

This two-hour workshop covers the basics of oral history: the whys, whats and hows for recording first person interviews in an historical context. Workshop participants will learn about oral history, best practices, interviewing tips and strategies, and next steps.

The Southern Oral History Program will facilitate this workshop and is open to any community members interested in conducting oral history interviews about the PCB protests and the legacies of environmental justice in Warren County. This workshop serves the broader purpose of Warren County residents documenting their unique, resilient history, and reclaiming ownership over the narrative surrounding environmental racism.

What we plan: Participants will be introduced to oral history interviewing and will develop an interviewing guide with a specific focus on the PCB protests of 1982 and subsequent environmental justice efforts.

Please pre-register HERE, as space in the Community Center is limited. We will be recording the workshop and remote participants may join via Zoom.

Please share this invitation with friends and family. Refreshments will be served. Masks are required.

The post “Documenting Our Stories” Oral History Workshop appeared first on The Warrenist.
