WAM Poetry + Christmas Party
The Warren Artist Market Poetry and Christmas Party is our (WAM’S) final attempt to close out the year in the best way we can, by being together and reading together.
It will be a regular open-mic poetry reading / fellowship night. So come early and sign in.
Anyone that wants to bring extra special treats and goodies feel free.
We will have some cookies and cakes, perhaps some candies and fruit, but certainly some wine(s)…all served free while supply lasts.
So! Dress-up, dress-down, come as you are, or come as you would like to be seen. Write a slamming poem, or bring a good poem…operative words= Slamming and Good.
We want to have a memorable time. I would like to have a memorable time with you.
The WAM Nine Anthology
“Books that sit on my shelf” is running really late. It will be delivered in Jan 2023.