Soul City Homecoming 2024
Mark your calendars for a day filled with celebration, community spirit, and family fun at the First Annual Soul City Homecoming on Saturday, September 21, 2024.
The festivities will kick off at 10:00am with a parade in the “Heart of Soul City,” in the Green Duke Village at what is now known as The McKissick Soul City Civil Rights Center.
Scheduled parade highlights include the Warren County High School Pep Band, a car show, and the Soul City Fire Department. The parade will conclude near the corner of Liberation Road and Soul City Boulevard.
The show will begin at 11:00am at the “Entertainment Tent” with Baba Felix and the Jimbe Drummers. Local poets and musicians including Jasme’ Kelly, and also a DJ will perform throughout the festivities.
Along with entertainment, attendees can enjoy free food, door prizes, and games for both kids and adults. Several community and civic organizations will also be present to connect with festival goers.
This event will also serve as a time to reflect on the history and legacy of Soul City.
Neighboring communities such as Manson and Ridgeway are invited to come together to commemorate the founders and members of Soul City, to honor their contributions, and to keep their memories alive.