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Warren County Farmers Market Readies for Spring Return ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿ…

Support our local farmers, producers, and artisans at the Warren County Farmers Market this April.



warren county growers farmers market warrenton north carolina

Save the date for the return of the Warren County Farmers Market! ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ†๐Ÿซ‘

In a newsletter sent out Thursday evening, Danylu Hundley of the Warren Growers Association announced the farmers market will return Saturday, April 30th. When asked if anything would be different this year, Hundley indicated they are working on details, but are “looking forward to a strong season.”

warren county growers farmers market warrenton north carolina danylu hundley

Danylu Hundley selling fresh zucchini at the Warren County Farmers Market/ ๐Ÿ“ท Crystal Myrick/ The Warrenist

Farmers markets provide an excellent opportunity to meet local farmers, ask questions, and purchase directly from the source.

During the last season, one item in particular that became an instant fave was the Jimmy Red Grits from Bender Farms. His grits have not only reached homes near and far, but also made its way to the latest menu at Blue Jay Bistro in Littleton, NC.

Braised short rib nestled alongside a red corn grit croquette, anyone? ๐Ÿ˜‹

heirloom jimmy red grits bender farms

Heirloom Jimmy Red Grits from Bender Farms / ๐Ÿ“ท: Danylu Hundley

Stop by the Warren County Farmers Market, which will be located in the Warren County Health Department parking lot (544 W. Ridgeway Street, Warrenton, NC 27589) and take pleasure in knowing you’re supporting our local farmers. ๐Ÿšœ

warren county growers farmers market warrenton north carolina

Crystal Myrick has always been curious by nature and enjoys sharing discoveries with her audience. As the creator and editor of The Warrenist, an engaging and emerging hyperlocal digital media outlet centered on her rural community, her content is in celebration of the art, culture, lifestyle, and people of Warren County, North Carolina as well as bring awareness to local and national issues. Website | Facebook | Instagram

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  1. Danylu Hundley

    February 17, 2022 at 10:14 pm

    This is so very well done! Thanks for writing a great piece on the market!

    • Crystal

      February 18, 2022 at 9:42 am

      Thank you! We’re looking forward to it! Wishing you and all the farmers and producers a fruitful season!

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James Henderson Shares His Passion for Shiitake ๐Ÿ„




james henderson shiitake mushrooms warren county north carolina

While James Henderson’s green thumb stretches to a wide assortment of fresh veggies and herbs, the proprietor of Henderson Natural Farm is best known for his Shiitake mushrooms.

In this video, James shares his passion for farming, how he got started with Shiitake mushrooms, and his one wish for potential farmers in Warren County, North Carolina!

To get a taste of these homegrown mushrooms, James can often be found at the Warren County Farmers Market in Warrenton, NC.

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